Learning through play


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We operate within the Early Years Foundation Framework which continues into Reception class. This guidance promotes children’s learning through play and exploration, linked with adult support and encouragement. We plan for the children’s individual interests within an environment that supports their development. The themes and principles of the EYFS underpin all we do at nursery and are highlighted in the information below.

We focus on the Unique Child and Positive Relationships which means that we can support and cater for each child’s individual needs and interests. This is where we rely on important information from home to help us build a complete picture of the children in our care. We believe that parents know their children best therefore we ask them to contribute information about what their children like to do at home and what their current interests are.

The nursery is planned around the child and will be reassuringly familiar to encourage your child to develop their independence in a secure and Enabling Environment. Our nursery is set out with all the areas required to promote excellent opportunities for Learning and Development. Children are encouraged to choose their own activities and the areas in which they want to play, developing their own interest along with a supportive adult who will observe the children and plan for their next steps and to challenge their thinking.

Children self register on arrival which allows them to explore the nursery from the moment they arrive and to settle happily into their day of play. For the same reason we also have a rolling snack where children help choose and prepare what we are having, then they can decide for themselves when they want to eat and drink, only interrupting their own activities when they are ready. This helps them to think for themselves and make decisions about the things that affect them. We offer a healthy snack which always includes milk and water with an assortment of fruit and vegetables. The

children are actively involved in the preparation of snack, where we experiment with a wide variety of dishes, to try and encourage children to try new things and experience new flavours. The children also help with setting tables, clearing away and washing up. Water is available everyday for your child to access freely.

We embrace a “can do” attitude to promote independence and never underestimate what a child can achieve.

Preparing food

Preparing food

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