Curriculum (EYFS)

Development Matters and Birth to 5 Matters are the 2 most current publications that that allow us to create our own curriculum , using these 2  publications we are able to tailor our own unique curriculum to our setting . We also take our influence from other provision and practice around the globe and cherry pick the aspects that best suit our nursery and our cohort.

Further information can be found @


Updated guidance to support the EYFS – Foundation Years

St. Thomas’ Nursery


The Impact of

Our Environment and our experiences, planned adult led activities…

As a Hedgehog and a Squirrel, I will…

Settle- into and make relationships with my nursery adults

Explore- the nursery environment independently and find where I love to play

Developsaspects of self-care, feeding, hygiene, toileting and responding to our own needs.

Engage- in self- chosen activities for longer periods of time

Follownursery routine independently

 Communicate- my needs and interests

Listen:- to instructions, short stories and group times

Makea model experimenting with a variety of media

Threadan increasing selection of items, beads, cards, with increasing media, straws, stick, string, ribbon

Balance and climbaccess our outdoor environment safely and confidently

Recognisepersonal letters and numbers in the environment and explore mark making

Communicate- my needs and interests

Listen:- to instructions, short stories and group times

As an Owl, I will…

Follow- instructions, a recipe, routine, nursery rules

Share- space with others and form secure friendships

Listento my adults and peers

Make-upa story, song or rhyme, role-play or dance

Builda more detailed model with a range of materials and tools

Sewusing a running stitch

Engage in an increasing amount of activities for longer periods of time both independently and adult led

Write- letters of their name

Care empathise, respect and understanding of others

Understand about the World around them and how to care for it

Communicatethoughts, ideas and information about what they are learning

Manage:- more complex personal skills, toileting, dressing, feeding (cutlery).
