This term we will be learning about traditional tales
This half term we will be focussing on Story structure, and retelling our favourite familiar tales. We will act out stories with props and puppets, dressing up and join in with familiar refrains and repetetive stories.
We we retell familiar stories, looking at story sequences and patterns.
Outside we will make dens, the bears cave, goldilocks cottage, the giants castle and other story settings that we can recreate.
We will be joining in with World Book week 3rd-7th March and and inviting familiy to come to nursery to read, we will dress up in traditional story outfits and having a lovely time.
We will also start our gardening activities, in our front garden allotment, starting to prepare the ground and planters for seedlings.
We will look after the birds in the garden as they start to make their nests and refresh the tortoise house and hedgehog house as they start to come out of hibernation.
Beach School-We will continue our adventures at the beach, learning about many aspects of our extended local environment. We will start with understanding about staying safe and the rules we have to follow whilst enjoying the freedom of the beach.
We learn about the objects, creatures, plants and wildlife. We will learn to understand about pollution, and re-cycling and how we can look after our planet, carrying out beach cleaning and discussions on the rubbish and pollution we find, how we can change our habits and re-use some items to make us less wasteful.
We will also experiment with foraging for edible plants and beach herbs and bring them to nursery to cook and taste.
During the term we will identify objects in the local environment such as interesting buildings and monuments as well as environment bingo as we see things such as objects and vehicles as well as we walk and explore. We will use clip boards to check things off our lists and work together to find objects of interest. We will also complete treasure hunts on the beach collecting objects to make patterns and art on the sand.
Dance- Miss Mel joins us on a Tuesday and Wednesday morning for a half hour dance session, which involves many routines over the term, promotimg co-ordination, and control and balance listening skills and following instructions, and learning how to combine different movements and move to the music.
Mr Morrow- continues to visit us during the week, bringing incredible musical experiences, art projects and inventions. His sessions are exciting and creative and the children look forward to his visits, as we never know what to expect.