Starting Nursery

Your child is about to begin nursery and it is a really important and exciting time for both of you. You may have some questions to ask about starting nursery, hopefully our website can answer some of these and help to prepare both you and your child for their time at nursery.

What can I expect my child to be doing at nursery?

  • Having fun
  • Learning through play and exploration
  • Making friends and learning how to play together
  • Making choices and decisions
  • Learning how to be independent
  • Talking about their ideas, sharing decision making
  • Enjoying being indoors and outdoors
  • Making a mess and helping to tidy up

Every Child Matters

Enjoying and achieving
Staying Safe
Making a positive contribution
Being healthy
Economic well being

Induction sessions

Before your child begins Nursery you and your child will have an opportunity to visit the nursery and meet the staff during an induction session. Often this first visit will ease most of your concerns. Don’t worry if you feel anxious about leaving your child at nursery, discuss this with your child’s key person or a member of staff as together you can work out what is best for your child. This differs from child to child. We want to work in partnership to ensure your child is happy and settled. It is important that your child has a happy and successful start to their nursery life. Then during the first term we would like to visit your child at home so we can see them in their own environment, which we feel is a very important home-nursery link. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to a member of staff who will be happy to reassure you. Relax and enjoy this exciting step in your child’s life!

A visit from Bertie or Betsie Bear is just one of the Home links we provide, which could help your child settle into nursery life. We also use targeted learning bags to share with parents at home to support learning and development .