Our Nursery
- Our Nursery
- Growing and bee friendly garden
- The Nature Garden
- Outdoor play space
Playing and Learning
- engagement
- playing games
- the love of books
- taking risks
- water play
- Making Friends
- Sharing ideas
- Concentrating
- working things out
- meeting people
- care home visits
- sharing in the community
- Washing up
- Learning indoors
- letters and sounds
- Mud kitchen
- investigating nature
- matching and sorting
- Learning about nature
- Making bird feeders
- large model making
- Beach School
- Beach School
- Beach schools
- exploring nature
- Mud Kitchen
- Sharing books
- Snack time jobs jobs
- Garden jobs
- Using tools
- engagement
- interactions
- counting and concentrating
- Baking
- Lunch time
- snack time
- Sharing achievements
- Early writing
- Making marks
- sand dune fun
- outings
- Enjoying stories
- Awe and wonder
- Football skills
- yoga moves
- Care home visits
- Yoga pretzels
- Trampoline fun
- School dinner experiences
- Research
- Parachute games
- Running races
- Sports day
- Library visit
- Petit acting company
- ballet with Miss Mel
- ballet class
- Story telling week